The pain in the left side rear in the lumbar area and just above, below, under the ribs, when you guide

This can be such as the blocking of the muscles on the back due to grip any of the vertebrae, and the disease of the internal organs. Most of this will be discussed later.

the pain in the back

The left side rear in the lumbar region

The main groups of causes of pain in the left side rear can be:

  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • the defeat of the spleen;
  • the pathological process in the digestive system;
  • diseases of the spinal column;
  • pathological processes of the system osteo-muscular system, etc.

The establishment of a source of pain holds the doctor using both methods of objective research of the patient, and the appointment of some other research methods. More detail on this speech, to describe any kind of pain.

If the unpleasant sensations are connected with the back we offer to you a special complex of exercises.

Above the lumbar

If the pain appears to the left at the back above the lumbar, you should think of the following options from its pop-up:

  1. the pathological process in the pancreas (there is more often than not, his inflammation — pancreatitis);
  2. osteochondrosis of the spine (degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine, which is accompanied by a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs);
  3. the defeat of the adrenal glands (most often the adrenal glands can admire the tumor process that leads to the onset of pain).

To confirm the defeat pancreatic breast, it is necessary to make the biochemical analysis of the blood, which puts in evidence an increase of the activity of pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase, trypsin and others). The appointment of appropriate treatment contributes to the interruption of the pathological process. For this we apply the following principles:

  • the cold;
  • hunger;
  • peace.

Confirm the low back pain allows a detailed neurological research that reveals the tenderness in the places of exit of the nerve roots. Complex diagnostic cases, it is recommended to perform computed tomography or nuclear magnetic resonance.

Tumors of the adrenal glands can be identified, whether during ultrasound or radiological examination, or during the conduct of computed tomography. The "Gold" standard of diagnosis of any cancer research in the process is the histological examination.


If the pain occurs on the left, behind, and below, so you need to think of the following causes:

  1. the defeat of the intestine (most often the colitis, that is, the inflammatory process in the large intestine);
  2. kidney disease (pyelonephritis or urolithiasis);
  3. osteochondrosis of the vertebral column;
  4. myositis (especially if the pain is localized to the movement of the spinal column).

Often the cause of the pain, who have given their localization, are the diseases of the urinary system. For their identification it is recommended that you keep the general clinical urine analysis and ultrasound of the kidney. General clinical examination of the urine may reveal the following types of anomalies:

  • the larger amount of protein (can be connected with an inflammatory process or violation of the filtration/reabsorption in the kidneys);
  • high white blood cell count, speaks of the inflammatory process (most often pyelonephritis – inflammation Cup-the renal pelvis of the system);
  • the greater amount of red blood cells and has place urolithiasis, when the stone door to the trauma of the urinary tract.

Below the ribs

The onset of pain under the ribs is usually associated with pathological processes that affect the spleen. Is the body, helps to dispose of damaged cells of the blood. Therefore, when various problems (leukemias), a significant increase, which is accompanied by a distortion of its capsule. This is precisely the cause of the pain, that is located under the ribs on the left. The trauma of the spleen in the event of a fall or impact may also be the cause of this pain.

pain in the left side

Gastric or duodenal ulcer can lead to the appearance of pain under the ribs on the left. The pain can be acute, which bears witness to the variety of complications (penetration, perforation), or deaf. Taking into fibrogastroduodenoscopy and test to identify H. pylori (the reason for the development of peptic ulcer) allows you to expose the final diagnosis.

In addition, we have written about the causes of pain in the breastbone in the center — symptoms, but also to analyze what are the diseases that can cause discomfort.

When you are driving

The pain, which is localized on the rear left and is enriched by movement, usually associated with the following reasons:

  • low back pain;
  • myositis;
  • kidney stones.

As a differential diagnosis for these pathological processes referred to above. To identify myositis it is recommended that the objective of the research, and electromyography.

Gives way

Usually the pain gives way in the presence of substances in the urinary system, neuralgia, and also in the presence of intra-abdominal haemorrhage, the cause of which can be the most various (peptic ulcer, apoplexy ovary, interrupted an ectopic pregnancy, injury, etc).The principles of diagnosis are similar to those already considered. If the pain increases with the increase straightened legs, then this indicates that the pathology of the nervous cane (this is the so-called symptom of tension).

In this way, the reasons for which the pain appears from behind and to the left, are very different. Their exact early detection will be key to the success of the treatment, which will greatly enhance the health of a person.